Thursday, 23 October 2008

A Visit to see The Mayor

On Thursday 16th October my mum and dad were invited to meet the Mayor Keith Budden.They were to collect a cheque thay had won for returning their electoal role form on time. Sp along with my brothers Alex and Luke we all went to Lancaster Town Hall for the presentation. We had tea and biscuits followed by a fantastic tour of the Town Hall.

By Ben Nott Year 5.

Monday, 20 October 2008

An Author in Year 5

Imagine becoming a published author at the age of 10.

Emily Wilson wrote The Lie as a piece of homework when she was nine. Approximately, it took two days to write. It is all about two sisters who tell a lie and the consequences they have to take.

Emily's mum saw an advert in the Lancaster Guardian for a short story cometition and she entered The Lie into it.

When her mum checked her email, the competition was long forgotten, but, the email notified them that Emily had won the Gold Prize and was to have an interview, where she would recieve her pen set and certificate.

Emily's story is being published, along with the other winners, later this year. In a book called Tall Tales and Short Stories.
Emily Wilson Year 6.

Low ropes

At Winmarleigh Hall, I really enjoyed everything but one thing that really stood out to me was the low ropes course. It was really good because you worked as a team so I built up on that strength. You were able to build up on the strength of balance and control as there was a lot of Tight rope challenges going on. It was good when you were able to help each other jumping across the imaginary river and you learnt lots of new skills including fist of friendship which was where your friend held their fists out to the side of them so if you were about to fall, you could quickly grab onto them.

Sophie.Spurr yr6

Winmarleigh Hall

I enjoyed all the activities but Nightline I particulary enjoyed the most.
It was a night obstacle course. It was called sensory development which is where they take one sense away (our sight)
so we had to use our other senses.
I was at the front of the line so i had to find the obstacles.
It was fun.

Shaune (Year 6)

Monday, 13 October 2008

Year 6 Off to Winmarleigh Hall

Here is Year 6 departing for the week at Winmarleigh Hall. They will do a number of activities to promote team work and meet personal challenges. The activities range from zip wire to quad biking alternated with computer work.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Bishop Campbell visits the school

Bishop Campbell visited the school on Tuesday 7th October. He joined us for a whole school assembly and the children prayed for him to be given strength in his role as shepherd of the Lancaster Diocese. Bishop Campbell told the children that he had met with Pope Benedict and passed on the Pope's greetings to the people of Lancaster Diocese.The Bishop then had a tour of the school with the Head Boy, Head Girl and their deputies. At dinnertime the Bishop joined the children in saying the Rosary which takes place every lunchtime in the month of October. He then had dinner with the School Council who had plenty of questions to ask him on a range of topics.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Harvest Boxes Delivered

Emma and Sophie visited Dolphinlee and delivered gifts to the residents. Year 6 were once again invited back at Christmas.

Jamie and Daniel took gifts to Nazareth House for the elderly and the children in their care. They were warmly received and introduced to a number of residents. Year 6 have been invited back to entertain the residents at Christmas.

Harvest Assembly

The children held their Harvest Assembly on Friday 3rd October. It was well attended by over 70 parents and with the addition of a seventh class this year it was a tight fit in the hall as can be seen in the photograph. Year 6 children delivered boxes of vegetables and fruit to people of the parish and sheltered housing close to the school. Sister Zela and Sister Maureen delivered boxes to members of St Thomas More.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Our Lady of Fatima

The children pray the Rosary at lunchtime during the month of October. We have a statue of Our Lady of Fatima on loan from the parish to help the children focus on the importance of saying the Rosary. It is led by chilren and attended by Key Stage Two and staff.